About Me

Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way.

Who Am I?

I’ve spent my entire career helping small businesses grow.

As a kid, I was passionate about computers. I built my first web page in 1997 and got hired for my first paid web design in 1998. Whether working for someone else or maintaining my own successful freelance career on the side, I’ve managed to use the internet to produce income every step of the way.

The best way for you to see what I can do for you is to spend a little time clicking around here on the website – read my articles, check out my podcast, or even use the contact form to get in touch. 

That’s my dog, Pepper, in the picture.


...if you really want me to brag 😉

I wrote a blog post with a short, professional auto-biography, if that’s something you’re into.

Read my book.

I’ve written a comprehensive 120 page book to help small business owners learn how to market their contracting business online.